$49.00 USD

Every month

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Growth Hub Group Coaching Program - Monthly Membership

Get the support & expert guidance you need to build your business with the flexibility of a monthly membership.

Stay as long as you need. You can cancel at any time.

The Marketing Launchpad Group Coaching & Support Program includes:

  • Forthnightly LIVE 1-hour "Ask A Marketer" Q&A session with Racquel Collard - bring along any marketing questions or issues & instant feedback from an expert
  • Monthly LIVE 1-hour Marketing Masterclass followed by a 30-minute Q&A session  with Racquel Collard - we'll cover a range of topics to help you get your marketing machine built & optimised for the best results
  • Access to recordings of the weekly "Ask A Marketer" sessions and Marketing Masterclasses 

SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If you're not happy after your first 14 days, just let us know and we'll provide you with a full refund.

TERMS: T&Cs apply. Your subscription will be charged monthly. You can cancel at any time. Prices include applicable Australian Goods & Services Tax (GST). Your address details are required to calculate applicable sales tax. You can cancel your subscription at any time before the next billing cycle.

What People Are Saying:

I'm so glad I decided to work with Racquel on refining my niche, offers and messaging. I hadn't realised just how much I needed to have someone like her in my corner, supporting and challenging me. She took me much deeper than any previous programs ever have and got me to a much much clearer understanding of what I offer and to whom. With all of that I was able to completely revamp my website, integrating all the learnings and practical tips I'd gotten. It was so worth it, so thank you Racquel.

Zoe West, Zoe West Coaching